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Signs your furnace is going out

Signs Your Furnace is Going Out

When Should I Replace My Furnace?

As the temperatures drop, a reliable and efficient furnace becomes essential for keeping your home warm and comfortable during the winter months. Furnaces have a limited lifespan of 15-20 years, and knowing when to replace yours saves you from unexpected breakdowns and discomfort. Here are some key indicators that it might be time to consider furnace replacement:

Signs your Furnace is Going Out

Signs your inefficient furnace needs replacement.

1. It’s getting noisier every year: If your furnace is getting louder with each passing year, it could be a sign of worn-out components. As furnaces age, parts become loose or damaged, leading to increased noise levels during operation.

2. Repairs are needed more frequently: A well-maintained furnace should not require constant repairs. If you find yourself calling for repairs more frequently and the costs are adding up, it might be more cost-effective to invest in a new furnace.

3. Air quality is declining: An aging furnace struggles to filter and distribute air properly, leading to reduced indoor air quality. If you notice more dust, allergens or musty odors, it could be time for a new, more efficient system.

4. Your energy bills are higher than previous years: As furnaces age, their efficiency tends to decline, causing them to consume more energy to produce the same amount of heat. If you notice a steady increase in your energy bills, upgrading to a newer, energy-efficient furnace leads to significant savings in the long run.

5. Heating system doesn't get your house warm enough: If you find that some rooms in your house remain cold while the furnace is running, it indicates that your current system is struggling to adequately heat your home.

6. You feel like you have to constantly adjust the thermostat: An old furnace has difficulty maintaining a consistent temperature, leaving you constantly fiddling with the thermostat settings.

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Risks of an Old Furnace

Continuing to use an old and inefficient furnace poses several risks. Neglecting furnace replacement when it's necessary can lead to:

Risks of an old furnace


Safety hazards: Older furnaces may have worn-out components that pose safety risks, such as gas leaks, carbon monoxide leaks or electrical issues. These hazards can endanger your family's health and property.

Increased repair costs: As furnaces age, they are more prone to breakdowns and malfunctions, leading to frequent and costly repairs. Investing in a new furnace saves you from the financial burden of frequent repairs.

Reduced energy efficiency: Older furnaces have lower efficiency ratings, which means they consume more energy to produce the same amount of heat. This not only drives up your energy bills but also contributes to environmental pollution.

Trust Prompt for Furnace Replacement in Southeastern Wisconsin

When it comes to furnace replacement, Prompt Heating and Air Conditioning is your reliable and trusted partner. Our team of skilled technicians is equipped with extensive expertise in replacing furnaces, ensuring a seamless and efficient process. We take pride in offering quality products from reputable manufacturers, providing you with a wide selection of energy-efficient and durable furnaces to suit your specific needs and budget. Upgrade to a modern and reliable furnace with Prompt Heating and Air Conditioning and enjoy a warm and comfortable home throughout the winter season.


Contact us online to request a quote for furnace replacement.


Furnace installation in Milwaukee & nearby cities

Our service area covers all of Milwaukee, Waukesha & Washington counties, including West Allis, Wauwatosa, Brookfield, Elm Grove, Greenfield, Franklin, Hales Corners, St. Francis, Cudahy, Bay View, Oak Creek, Menomonee Falls, Shorewood, Glendale, Whitefish Bay, Delafield, Pewaukee, Butler, Sussex, Lannon, Brown Deer, Richfield, Hubertus, Slinger, Hartford, New Berlin, Waukesha, West Bend, Mequon, Grafton, Germantown & the surrounding communities.




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